Divisibility Rule of 10 with Examples | Check Divisibility by 10

In this article, we will learn about divisibility rule of 10 with example. i.e. We will see how to check if any number is divisible by 10 or not.

What is Divisibility Rule of 10 ?

A number is divisible by 10 if the last digit of that number is 0.

Example 1

Check if 609 is divisible by 10 or not.

We need to check the last digit of given number is 0 or not.
Here, given  number is 609 and it’s last digit is 9.
So, 609 is not  divisible by 10.

Example 2

Check if 90 is divisible by 10 or not.

We need to check the last digit of given number  is 0 or not.
Here, given  number is 90  and it’s last digit is 0.
So, 90 is divisible by 10.

Example 3

Is 24591947 is divisible by 10 ?

We need to check the last digit of given number 24591947 is 0 or not.
Here, given  number is 24591947 and it’s last digit is 7.
So, 24591947 is NOT divisible by 10.

Example 4

Fill the lowest possible digit in the blank space so that number is divisible by 10.

  1. 4569_
    Solution: As per divisibility rule of 10, any number is divisible by 10 if it’s last digit is 0. So, we add 0 in blank space.
    So, correct answer is 0. Thus, number will be 45690.

Tutorialwing Math Divisibility Rules of 10 and Divisibility Rules by 10 With Examples

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