Want to learn Android Tutorial with Kotlin or Java ?
If YES, you have come to the right place. Checkout our collection of android tutorial with kotlin and java.
Although kotlin is official programming language for android application development, java is still being used for so many applications. Kotlin and Java code are interoperable i.e. if you already have an application in java, you can add a kotlin file in it or vice-versa.
Android Studio also has feature to convert an android application with java into kotlin.
So, DO NOT WORRY! You can convert your android application with java into kotlin any time. Here, we are presenting you some android tutorial in kotlin and java for android application development.
Since Kotlin is official programming language for android application development, you should focus on android tutorial with kotlin. However, we have also provided tutorials on android with Java. So, you can pick any language of your choice.
This android tutorial has been prepared for beginners to help them understand the basic concepts of android application development. If, at any point of time, you have any issue with the tutorial, you can ask us using comment section or Contact Us page.
Getting Started
- What is Android ?
- Different Android Version
- Android Architecture
- Install And Setup Android Studio
- Create First Android Application in Java
- Create First Android Application in Kotlin
- Android Project Folder Structures
- Debugging And Running Applications
- Android Application Components
- Introduction to Activity and it’s lifecycle
Android Widgets
Now, we have a basic setup for android application development. So, we can learn about some widgets that are frequently used in the application. Tutorialwing also recommends to learn about these widget first before proceeding for application development.
Android Advanced Concepts
Now, we have learnt about the widgets used in android application. We will proceed towards some useful stuffs that are used to beautify the application. They are also used for branding/promotional purposes.
Android Social Integrations
Integrating social platforms into your android application is quite a clever choice for promotional purposes. We are in an era where social apps like facebook, whatsapp, pintereset, LinkedIn etc. have become daily-activity. So, If you want to promote your app through social media, you should integrate social platforms into your android application.
Keeping these things in mind, We are presenting you how would you integrate below social medias into your applications.
Android Popular Libraries
While developing an android application, you need many things like managing server interaction with client side, communication within applications, Managing caching etc. Although you can write code by yourself for these things, you would not like to reinvent the wheel. Nowadays, there are so many libraries available to do these stuffs for you. You just need to integrate it into your application. Tutorialwing presents you some popular libraries tutorials that can be used in android application.
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We are soon going publish more tutorials on android application development. So, stay tuned with us!
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