Android EditText Using Kotlin With Example

In this article, we will learn about android EditText using Kotlin With Example. We will learn how to use different attributes of EditText to set id, text, hint text etc.

In this article, we will get answer to questions like –

  • What is EditText?
  • Why should we consider EditText while designing ui for any app?
  • What are possibilities using EditText while designing ui? etc.

Let’s have a quick demo of things we want to cover in this tutorial –


Tutorialwing EditText Using Kotlin Android EditText Using Kotlin

Tutorialwing EditText Using Kotlin

Video Output

Getting Started

We can define android EditText Widget as below –

Android EditText Widget is subclass of TextView and used to take input from user and modify the text.

While defining the EditText using Kotlin, we also mention about the inputType acceptable by this EditText. For example, to take plain text as input, we use android:inputType=”text”. Keyboard type shown also changes based on the value provided in inputType. For example, if you use numberPassword as inputType, Keyboard shown will appear as shown below –

Tutorialwing Android EditText numberPassword input Type

Android EditText numberPassword input Type

Now, how do we use EditText in android application ?

Creating New Project

At first, we will create an application.
So, follow steps below to create any android project in Kotlin –

Step Description
1. Open Android Studio (Ignore if already done).
2. Go to File => New => New Project. This will open a new window. Then, under Phone and Tablet section, select Empty Activity. Then, click Next.
3. In next screen, select project name as EditTextUsingKotlin. Then, fill other required details.
4. Then, clicking on Finish button creates new project.

Newbie in Android ?

Some very important concepts (Recommended to learn before you move ahead)

Before we move ahead, we need to setup for viewBinding to access Android EditText Using Kotlin file without using findViewById() method.

Setup ViewBinding

Add viewBinding true in app/build.gradle file.

 android { 
 	// OTHER CODE... 
 	buildFeatures { 
 		viewBinding true 

Now, set content in activity using view binding.
Open MainActivity.kt file and write below code in it.

 class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() { 
 	private lateinit var binding: ActivityMainBinding 
 	override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { 
 		binding = ActivityMainBinding.inflate(layoutInflater) 
 		val view = binding.root 

Now, we can access view in Kotlin file without using findViewById() method.

Using EditText in Kotlin

Follow steps below to use EditText in newly created project –

  • Open res/layout/activity_main.xml file. Then, add below code in it –
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <androidx.constraintlayout.EditText.ConstraintLayout xmlns:android=""
            app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />
  • We can also access it in Kotlin File, MainActivity.kt, as below –


    We can access EditText using it’s id in Kotlin file.

Now, run the application. We will get output as below –
Tutorialwing Android EditText Using Kotlin With Example

Different Attributes of EditText in XML

Now, we will see how to use different attributes of Android EditText using Kotlin to customise it –

Set Id of EditText

Many a time, we need id of View to access it in Kotlin file or create ui relative to that view in xml file. So, we can set id of EditText using android:id attribute like below –


Here, we have set id of EditText as editText using android:id=”” attribute. So, if we need to reference this EditText, we need to use this id – editText.
Learn to Set ID of EditText Dynamically

Set Width of EditText

We use android:layout_width=”” attribute to set width of EditText.
We can do it as below –


Width can be either “MATCH_PARENT” or “WRAP_CONTENT” or any fixed value (like 20dp, 30dp etc.).
Learn to Set Width of EditText Dynamically

Set Height of EditText

We use android:layout_height=”” attribute to set height of EditText.
We can do it as below –


Height can be either “MATCH_PARENT” or “WRAP_CONTENT” or any fixed value.
Learn to Set Height of EditText Dynamically

Set Padding of EditText

We use android:padding=”” attribute to set padding of EditText.
We can do it as below –


Here, we have set padding of 10dp in EditText using android:padding=”” attribute.
Learn to Set Padding of EditText Dynamically

Set Margin of EditText

We use android:layout_margin=”” attribute to set margin of EditText.
We can do it as below –


Here, we have set margin of 10dp in EditText using android:layout_margin=”” attribute.
Learn to Set Margin of EditText Dynamically

Set Background of EditText

We use android:background=”” attribute to set background of EditText.
We can do it as below –


Here, we have set background of color #ff0000 in EditText using android:background=”” attribute.
Learn to Set Background of EditText Dynamically

Set Visibility of EditText

We use android:visibility=”” attribute to set visibility of EditText.
We can do it as below –


Here, we have set visibility of EditText using android:visiblity=”” attribute. Visibility can be of three types – gone, visible and invisible
Learn to Set Visibility of EditText Dynamically

Set Text of EditText

We use android:text=”” attribute to set text of EditText.
We can do it as below –

        android:text="Hello Tutorialwing"

Here, we have set text (“Hello Tutorialwing”) in EditText using android:text=”” attribute.
Similarly, we can set any text using this attribute.
Learn to Set Text of EditText Dynamically

Set Color of Text in EditText

We use android:textColor=”” attribute to set color of text in EditText.
We can do it as below –

        android:text="Hello Tutorialwing"

Here, we have set color (#ffffff i.e. white) of text (“Hello Tutorialwing”) in EditText using android:textColor=”” attribute. Similarly, we can set any color using this attribute.
Learn to Set Color of EditText Dynamically

Set Gravity of EditText

We use android:gravity=”” attribute to set gravity of text in EditText.
We can do it as below –

        android:text="Hello Tutorialwing"

Here, we have set gravity of text in EditText using android:gravity=”” attribute. Attribute value can be – “center_horizontal”, “center”, “center_vertical” etc.
Learn to Set Gravity of EditText Dynamically

Set Text in Uppercase, Lowercase

If we need to show text of EditText in uppercase or lowercase etc.

Set text in uppercase

We can use android:textAllCaps=”true” attribute to set text in uppercase. We can do it as below –

        android:text="Hello Tutorialwing"

Attribute android:textAllCaps=”true” sets text in uppercase. So, HELLO TUTORIALWING is set in EditText.

By default, false is set in this attribute. So, Whatever value is written in android:text=”” attribute, it will be set as it is. For example,

        android:text="Hello Tutorialwing"

Above code will set Hello Tutorialwing to EditText.

How do we set text in lowercase?

Answer –

  • In xml file – write all the text in lowercase.
  • In kotlin file – take text as string. Then, convert it in lowercase. Then, set it to EditText.

Learn to Set Text in Uppercase or Lowercase Dynamically

Set Size of Text in EditText

We use android:textSize=”” attribute to set size of text in EditText.
We can do it as below –

        android:text="Hello Tutorialwing"

Here, we have set size of text in EditText using android:textSize=”” attribute.
Learn to Set Size of Text of EditText Dynamically

Set Style (Bold/italic) of Text in EditText

We use android:textStyle=”” attribute to set style (bold, italic etc.) of text in EditText.
We can do it as below –

        android:text="Hello Tutorialwing"

Here, we have set style of text in EditText using android:textStyle=”” attribute. This attribute can take bold, italic or normal.
Learn to Set Style of Text of EditText Dynamically

Set Letter Spacing of Text in EditText

We use android:letterSpacing=”” attribute to set spacing between letters of text in EditText.
We can do it as below –

        android:text="Hello Tutorialwing"

Here, we have set spacing between letters of text in EditText using android:letterSpacing=”” attribute.
Learn to Set Letter Spacing of Text of EditText Dynamically

Set Typeface of Text in EditText

We use android:typeface=”” attribute to set typeface in EditText.
We can do it as below –

        android:text="Hello Tutorialwing"

Here, we have set typeface of text in EditText using android:typeface=”” attribute. This attribute can take values – “sans”, “normal”, “monospace” or “normal”.
Learn to Set Typeface of EditText Dynamically

Set fontFamily of Text in EditText

We use android:fontFamily=”” attribute to set fontFamily of text in EditText.
We can do it as below –

        android:text="Hello Tutorialwing"

Here, we have set fontFamily (Here, sans-serif) of text in EditText using android:fontFamily=”sans-serif” attribute.

Till now, we have see how to use android EditText using Kotlin. We have also gone through different attributes of TextView to perform certain task. Let’s have a look at list of such attributes and it’s related task.

Different Attributes of Android EditText Widget

Below are the various attributes that are used to customise android EditText Widget. However, you can check the complete list of attributes of EditText in it’s official documentation site. Here, we are going to list some of the important attributes of this EditText –

Sr. XML Attributes Description
1 android:background Use to set background to this View.
2 android:backgroundTint Use to set tint to the background of this view.
3 android:clickable Use to set true when you want to make this View clickable. Otherwise, set false.
4 android:drawableBottom Use to set drawable to bottom of the text in this view.
5 android:drawableEnd Use to set drawable to end of the text in this view.
6 android:drawableLeft Use to set drawable to left of the text in this view.
7 android:drawablePadding Use to set padding to drawable of the view.
8 android:drawableRight Use to set drawable to right of the text in this view.
9 android:drawableStart Use to set drawable to start of the text in this view.
10 android:drawableTop Use to set drawable to top of the text in this view.
11 android:elevation Use to set elevation to this view.
12 android:gravity Use to set gravity of the text in this view. For example, center, horizontal_center, vertical_center etc.
13 android:height Use to set height of the EditText.
14 android:hint Use to set hint to be shown when there is no text in the EditText.
15 android:inputMethod It sets, it specifies that editText should use specified input method.
16 android:inputType This is used to define what are the types of data that can be entered by the user for this View. For example, Phone, Password, Number, Date, Time etc.
17 android:lines If you want to set height of the View by number of lines, you can do it using this attribute. For example, android:lines=”2”, it means height of View will be 2 lines.
18 android:maxHeight Use to set maximum height of the View.
19 android:minHeight Use to set minimum height of the View.
20 android:maxLength Use to set maximum character length that can be entered in the View.
21 android:maxLines Use to set maximum lines this View can have.
22 android:minLines Use to set minimum lines this View can have.
23 android:maxWidth Use to set maximum width this View can have.
24 android:minWidth Use to set minimum width this EditText can have.
25 android:numeric If sets, it specifies that EditText has numeric input method.
26 android:password Use this attribute if you want to show the entered text as password dots. For example, If you enter ABCD, it will be shown as ****.
27 android:phoneNumber If set, specifies that this EditText has a phone number input method.
28 android:text Use to set the text of the EditText
29 android:textAllCaps Use this attribute to show the text in capital letters.
30 android:textColor Use to set color of the text.
31 android:textSize Use to set size of the text.
32 android:textStyle Use to set style of the text. For example, bold, italic, bolditalic etc.
33 android:typeface Use to set typeface of the text. For example, normal, sans, serif, monospace.
34 android:width Use to set width of the EditText.

We have seen different attributes of EditText and how to use it. If you wish to visit post to learn more about it

Thus, we have seen what is EditText, how can we use android EditText using Kotlin ? etc. We also went through different attributes of android EditText.

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