Python Program to Print Alphabet for given ASCII Value

In this article, we will learn about python program to print Alphabet for given ASCII value.

Getting Started

Our task is to print a character for given ASCII value. For example,

If user enters a, output should be – 97

If use enters z, output should be – 122

If use enters A, output should be – 65

If use enters B, output should be – 66

and so on …

We can do so using chr() function in python.

Print Character for Given ASCII Value using chr()

We can use chr() function in python and do above task as shown below –

ch = input("Enter a valid ASCII Value")
chInt = int(ch)

print("ASCII Value: " + ch + ", Character: ", chr(chInt))


Enter a valid ASCII Value
ASCII Value: 90, Character:  Z

In above program,

  • input() function accepts value entered by user and store it in variable ch.
  • Since value returned by input() function is string, we need to convert it into int because chr() function accepts integer value. Stored the converted int value in variable chInt
  • Then, we print corresponding character using chr() and print() function.

That’s how we can write python program to print alphabet for given ASCII value with examples.

Reference: Official Doc

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