Python Program to Divide Two Numbers Using Recursion

In this article, we will learn about python program to divide two numbers using recursion with examples.

Getting Started

The task is to divide two numbers using recursion. For example,

If a = 9 and b = 3, then output is 9 / 3 = 3. But, we need to do it using recursion.

We can do so in multiple ways –

Simple Approach

  • Take static input of two numbers.
  • Write function that takes two arguments x and y.
  • Inside that function, return 0 if x is less than y. Otherwise, subtract y from x each time function is called.
  • In each function call, we are adding 1 to return value.
  • Basically, we are keep track of how many times y is subtracted from x so that x becomes less than y.
def divide(x, y):
    if(x < y):
        return 0
        return 1 + divide(x - y, y)

x = 658
y = 60

result = divide(x, y)
print("Result:", result)


Result: 10

Result is printed using print() function in python.

Using User Input

  • Take input from user using input() function. Then, convert them to integer using int() function.
  • Write function that takes two arguments x and y.
  • Inside that function, return 0 if x is less than y. Otherwise, subtract y from x each time function is called.
  • In each function call, we are adding 1 to return value.
  • Basically, we are keep track of how many times y is subtracted from x so that x becomes less than y.
def divide(x, y):
    if(x < y):
        return 0
        return 1 + divide(x - y, y)

x = int(input("Enter a number"))
y = int(input("Enter another number"))

result = divide(x, y)
print("Result:", result)


Enter a number
Enter another number
Result: 10

Result is printed using print() function in python.

That’s how we can write python program to divide two numbers using recursion with examples.

Reference: Division

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