In this post, we will go through Kotlin program to read and print integer.
You can read values in 2 ways –
1. Print Integer – Using Scanner and nextInt()
import java.util.* fun main() { val read = Scanner(System.`in`) println("Enter integer:") val a = read.nextInt() println("Entered integer value = $a") }
When you run the program, output will be
Enter integer: 76 Entered integer value = 76
Here, we have created an object of Scanner. Scanner takes an argument which says where to take input from.
System.`in` means take input from standard input – Keyboard.
read.nextInt() means read next integer from standard input – Keyboard.
Input read by scanner is then stored in variable a
Finally, we print read value using println() method.
2. Kotlin Program to Print Integer (Without Using Scanner)
fun main() { println("Enter integer: ") val sInput = readLine()!! val a: Int = sInput.toInt() println("Entered integer value: $a") }
When you run the program, output will be
Enter integer: 54 Entered integer value: 54
We have used readLine() method to read values from standard input – Keyboard.
!! operator just makes sure value is not null. So,
readLine()!! returns not null value from standard input – Keyboard.
Value returned by readLine()!! is stored in a variable sInput.
Then, we are converting that value into integer by using toInt() method, then, stored converted integer
value in variable a
Finally, we print variable a using println() method.
Thus, we went through Kotlin program to read and print integer.