In this post, we will go through Kotlin program to calculate power (b) of given number (a).
For example,
Case 1 –
a = 4, b = 5
Case 2 –
a = 2, b = 3
There are several ways using which you can find power of number.
1. Calculate Power of Given Number (While Loop)
Sourcecode –
import java.util.* fun main() { val read = Scanner(System.`in`) println("Enter a:") val a = read.nextInt() println("Enter b:") var b = read.nextInt() var res = 1 while (b != 0) { res *= a b-- } println("Power = $res") }
When you run the program, output will be
Enter a: 12 Enter b: 3 Power = 1728
We calculated power by multiplying a by b times using while loop in Kotlin
2. Calculate Power of Given Number (for Loop)
Sourcecode –
import java.util.* fun main() { val read = Scanner(System.`in`) println("Enter a:") val a = read.nextInt() println("Enter b:") val b = read.nextInt() var res = 1 for(i in 1..b) { res *= a } println("Power = $res") }
When you run the program, output will be
Enter a: 10 Enter b: 5 Power = 100000
We calculated power by multiplying a by b times using for loop in Kotlin
3. Calculate Power Using pow function
Now, we will use pow function to calculate power (b) of number (a).
import java.util.* import kotlin.math.pow fun main() { val read = Scanner(System.`in`) println("Enter a:") val a = read.nextInt() println("Enter b:") val b = read.nextInt() val res = a.toDouble().pow(b) println("Power = $res") }
Enter a: 12 Enter b: 5 Power = 248832.0
Here, we used pow function to calculate power of number.
Thus, we went through different kotlin program to calculate power (b) of given number (a).