In this post, we will learn about constants in c. We will go through Numeric Constants (Such as Integer constants, Real Constants) , Character Constants (Such as Single Character Constant, String Constant, BackSlash Character Constant) etc. At last, we will see how to use c constants in program using const keyword and #define preprocessor.
C Constants
Constants in C refers to fixed values that don’t change during the execution of a program.
Below image depicts different constants in c programming language –
Let’s go through each constant one by one.
1. Numeric Constant
It contains constant of numeric values. For example, values like 1, 2, 1.3 1.4 etc.
It is further divided into –
(1) Integer Constant.
(2) Real Constant.
1.1 Integer Constant
- An Integer constant refers to a sequence of digits.
- Integer Constants are whole numbers which have no decimal point(.).
- There are three types of Integer constants:
- Decimal
- Octal
- Hexadecimal

Integer Constants in C
1.2 Real Constant
- It is used to represent quantities that vary continuously like distances, heights, temperatures and so on.
- These quantities are represented by numbers containing fractional parts like 14.284. Such numbers are called real constants.
- Examples: 0.042 , -0.452, 785.244, +452.00
2. Character Constant
Now, we will see different constants in character in C programming language. – Single Character, String Constants etc.
2.1 Single Character Constants
- It contains single character enclosed within a pair of single quote marks.
- Examples –
'A', 'a', '7', // Here, '7' is not same as number 7. It is String Character Constant ' '
2.2 String Constants:
- Sequence of characters enclosed in double quotes.
- Character may be letters, numbers, special characters and blank spaces.
- Example-
"Hello", "12345", "Great Work", "Wow", "2+4", "A"
2.3 Backslash Character Constants
- C supports some special backslash character constants that are used in output functions.
- For Example, the symbol ‘\n’ stands for newline character.
- It is known as Escape Sequences.
Constant | Meaning |
‘\a’ | audible alert (bell) |
‘\b’ | backspace |
‘\f’ | form feed |
‘\n’ | new line |
‘\r’ | carriage return |
‘\t’ | horizontal tab |
‘\v’ | vertical tab |
‘ | single quote |
“ | double quote |
? | question mark |
\ | backslash |
‘\0’ | null |
3. How to use Constants in C Program ?
You can use c constants as below –
- Using ‘const’ Keyword.
- Using ‘#define’ Preprocessor Directive.
3.1 Using const Keyword –
You can define c constants using const keyword as below –
Syntax –
const data_type variable_name = value;
Some Valid and Invalid Examples –
Valid | Invalid |
const int i = 10; | const int i; i=10; |
const float j = 10.234; | float int j; |
Illustration of C Constant using ‘const’ keyword
#include <stdio.h> int main() { const int age =35; /*int constant*/ const float percentage = 83.14; /*Real constant*/ const char letter = 'A'; /*char constant*/ const char sequence[10] = "HELLO"; /*string constant*/ printf("Define\tC\tConstants\tusing\tconst\tkeyword\n") ; /* '\t' and '\n' are backslash constants */ printf(" Age :%d \n", age); printf("Percentage : %f \n",percentage); printf("Letter : %c \n", letter ); printf("Sequence : %s \n", sequence); return 0; }
Define C Constants using const keyword Age : 35 Percentage : 83.14 Letter : A Sequence : HELLO
3.2 Using ‘#define’ Preprocessor Directive
This directive used to declare an alias name for existing variable or any value.
Syntax of using ‘#define’ preprocessor –
#define identifier_name value
Illustration of C Constant using ‘#define’ Preprocessor Directive
#include <stdio.h> #define age 10 #define percentage 90.14 #define letter 'A' int main() { printf("Integer Constant: %d\n",age); printf("Floating point Constant: %f\n",percentage); printf("Character Constant: %c\n",letter); return 0; }
Output –
Integer Constant: 10 Floating point Constant: 90.14 Character Constant: A
We have seen different constants in c, how to use them in c program, different examples on each type of c constant.
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